Innovative and dynamic

  • MODBALL - iOS & Android App

    MODBALL - iOS & Android App

    Modball App - Built for both iOS and Android, this native app broadcasts the location of participating Modballers during live Modball events. Spectators can then follow their favourite Modballers as they progress on the rally. The app also provides information and access to other Modball services.

    The apps use a push notification system to communicate with Modballers during events.

    The platform also includes cloud based administration allowing Modball staff to manage content, users and in-app advertising.

    Download the app from the Apple App Store
    Download the app from Google Play

    Visit www.modball.com

    View screens
  • Shmee150 - Android App

    Shmee150 - Android App

    Built for Shmee150, this native iOS and Android app provides direct access to the Shmee150 YouTube channel, gallery images, exhaust audio clips and more. The app links to a bespoke cloud service where custom content can be managed by the client.

    View in Apple App Store
    View in Google Play Store
    Visit Shmee150.com

    View screens
  • Trikl - iOS Native App

    Trikl - iOS Native App

    Built initially on iOS 6, we worked closely with the founders of the Trikl concept to developed the customer facing interfaces together with their digital marketing material.

    Watch the member video
    Watch the merchant video

    View UI design
  • FieldCraft - iOS Native App

    FieldCraft - iOS Native App

    Commissioned by The Learning Eye, Jemtx developed an iOS based mobile platform that provides Schindler engineers with technical information that can be accessed and tracked whilst onsite and out of internet connectivity.

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  • JTX Remote - iOS, Android, Webapp and Desktop

    JTX Remote - iOS, Android, Webapp and Desktop

    The digital revolution is driving companies to expand their remote workforces increasing the need to provide secure information, remote training and compliance tracking for remote staff. JTX Remote, a fully mobilised remote workforce management platform that provides a one stop solution for this requirement.

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  • RO Training - Webapp

    RO Training - Webapp

    Commissioned by Miad Healthcare for the NHS, this product is a web app used to provide content and information at live training events. Participants can review the agenda, subject information, submit comments and questions whilst at the event. The app is updated and provided to participants ahead of each event.